Also see my profiles at
IDEAS/RePEc, EconPapers, Google Scholar, ORCID

Working Papers

ESG in Platform Markets, with Rachel Chen, Daniel Halbheer, and Helen S. Zeng;
prepared for the Handbook on Digital Platforms, edited by Anthony Dukes, Daniel Sokol, Tianshu Sun, and Feng Zhu, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.

Product Design and Consumer Participation in Circular Business Models, 
with Rachel Chen and Daniel Halbheer.

Dynamic Pricing in Bilateral Relationships: Experimental Evidence,
with Thomas Epper, Nicolas Eschenbaum and Roberta Koch.

Dynamic Monopoly Pricing With Multiple Varieties: Trading Up,
with Nicolas Eschenbaum.

Pricing and Supply Chain Transparency to Conscientious Consumers,
with Marco Bertini and Daniel Halbheer.

Journal Articles

Carbon Footprinting and Pricing Under Climate Concerns, with Marco Bertini, Daniel Halbheer and Donald R. Lehmann, Journal of Marketing, 2022, 86(2), 186-201.
* Winner of the Rigor & Relevance Research Award 2021, Swiss Academy of Marketing Science.

Explaining Escalating Prices and Fines: A Unified Approach, with Nicolas Eschenbaum, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 171, 2020, 153-164.

Vertical Structure and the Risk of Rent Extraction in the Electricity Industry, with Anette Boom, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 29(1), 2020, 210-237.

Payment Evasion, with Daniel Halbheer and Michael Lechner, Journal of Industrial Economics, 65(4), 2017, 804-832.

When Do State-Owned Firms Crowd Out Private Investment?, with Simon Wey, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 13(3), 2014, 319-330.

Making Sense of Nonbinding Retail-Price Recommendations, with Dennis L. Gärtner, American Economic Review 103(1), 2013, 335-359.

Persuading Consumers With Social Attitudes, with Daniel Halbheer, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 84(1), 2012, 439-450.

The Geographic Determinants of Bankruptcy: Evidence from Switzerland, with Christian Kaiser and Franz Jaeger, Small Business Economics 39(1), 2012, 231-251.

Selling When Brand Image Matters, with Daniel Halbheer, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 167(1), 2011, 102-118.

The Investment Effects of Price Caps under Imperfect Competition: A Note, with Anton Burger and Robert Ferstl, Economics Letters 106(2), 2010, 92-94.

Intimidating Competitors ? Endogenous Vertical Integration and Downstream Investment in Successive Oligopoly, with Armin Schmutzler, International Journal of Industrial Organization 26(1), 2008, 247-265.

Strategic Outsourcing Revisited, with Justus Haucap, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 61(3), 2006, 325-338.

Mobile Number Portability in Europe, with Ralf Dewenter and Justus Haucap, Telecommunications Policy 30(7), 2006, 385-399.

Deregulating Network Industries: Dealing with Price-Quality Tradeoffs, with Dennis Gärtner and Daniel Halbheer, Journal of Regulatory Economics 30(1), 2006, 99-115.

Merge or Fail? The Determinants of Mergers and Bankruptcies in Switzerland, 1995-2000, with Christian Kaiser and Franz Jaeger, Economics Letters 90(1), 2006, 88-95.

Competition Policy and Exit Rates: Evidence from Switzerland, with Christian Kaiser and Franz Jaeger, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy (Contributions)4(1), 2005, Article 15.

The Promise and Pitfalls of Restructuring Network IndustriesGerman Economic Review 6(2), 2005, 205-228.

Asymmetric Vertical Integration, with Armin Schmutzler, B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics (Advances) 5(1), 2005, Article 1.

Mobile Number Portability, with Justus Haucap, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 4(3), 2004, 223-238.

Infrastructure Quality in Deregulated Industries: Is There an Underinvestment Problem?, with Armin Schmutzler and Men-Andri Benz, International Journal of Industrial Organization 22(2), 2004, 253-267.

Regulatory Reform of Telecommunications in SwitzerlandTelecommunications Policy 22(8), 1998, 671-680.

Older Working Papers

Globalization and Vertical Structure: An Empirical Investigation, with Dirk Burghardt, 2015.

Trade Liberalization and Employment Growth: Plant Level Evidence from Switzerland, with Marco Helm and Michael Lechner, 2013.

Corporate Governance, Taxation, and Imperfect Competition, with Christian Keuschnigg, 2014.