Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Game Theory, Antitrust Law and Economics, Regulation, Economic Policy.


SIEC-Test: Ökonomische Grundsätze, ZAV-Fachgruppe Wettbewerbsrecht, Zürich, 26. September, 2024 [Slides auf Verlangen].

Kartellrecht: Weniger Emotionen, mehr ökonomischer Verstand, mit Samuel Rutz, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Meinung & Debatte, 10. Juli 2024.

Recent Working Papers

Product Design and Consumer Participation in Circular Business Models, 
with Rachel Chen and Daniel Halbheer.

Dynamic Pricing in Bilateral Relationships: Experimental Evidence,
with Thomas Epper, Nicolas Eschenbaum and Roberta Koch.

Selected Publications

IssuesCarbon Footprinting and Pricing Under Climate Concerns, with Marco Bertini, Daniel Halbheer and Donald R. Lehmann, Journal of Marketing, 2022, 86(2), 186-201.
* Winner of the Rigor & Relevance Research Award 2021, Swiss Academy of Marketing Science.

Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationExplaining Escalating Prices and Fines: A Unified Approach, with Nicolas Eschenbaum, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 171, 2020, 153-164.

Payment Evasion, with Daniel Halbheer and Michael Lechner, Journal of Industrial Economics, 65(4), 2017, 804-832.

Making Sense of Nonbinding Retail-Price Recommendations, with Dennis L. Gärtner, American Economic Review 103(1), 2013, 335-359.The American Economic Review